Looking For Some Helpitty Help

May 19, 2016

I wrote so much this week, most of which I still need to type up, and their is still a small bit left after that to do, but We Used to Be Someone chapters 1-3 is very nearly done. This is my most personal and emotional project I’ve ever done and If you’ve followed my random ass blogs at all you know I’ve struggled mightily with getting it to a place I’m happy with.

So I wonder if any of you would like to read it and offer opinions/corrections/whatevers on it so I can get it to the best it can be before I finalize and post it to the public.

It’ll be about 35-40 pages when done, thought maybe 10 of those are the prelude stories you have already read. (Which do offer a better picture of a “whole” if you read them again too)

That’s a solid chunk of writing so don’t feel obligated to help, my friends. I’ll understand if y’all aint got the time.

Throw me an e-mail or contact me in whatever way you deem easiest. (Links to the right!)

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I forgot a title.

March 24, 2016
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Grane Day 2 is up in the short stories section. It’s ‘aight I guess.

Grane as a whole is meant to have very little dialogue and a whole lot of exposition. We Used to Be Someone is meant to have a whole lot of dialogue. Grane is going swimmingly and is probably competing with Chime for the best thing I’ve written. WUtBS is going not so well, and despite being the most personal project I’ve ever done and the large amount of my soul I pour into it, it’s one of the more poorly written things of my adult life. I guess this shows my strengths and weaknesses. That’s a pretty fuckin’ big weakness though. I don’t know what to do besides muscle through it and rewrite it until it goddamn works.

So that’s the next check-box on my to-do list. Revise “We Used to Be Someone” chapters 1 and 2 until I like them. Grane Day 3 will follow that. Depression has been killing me lately, and I’ve yet to fully get back into the writing daily groove I was in before last weekend when I took a trip down south to see my family. I think I’ll be able to get back into it though. The right amount of depression makes for good writing anyway.

But enough of that nonsense. I want to say few things about Grane. I think the world of Grane has great potential. I think it is fairly unique and I think a young female lead is even more unique for such a setting. I also think I suck and can’t do it justice, but I’m doing better than I thought I could. Not the worst is something to be proud of when you are me. Day 3 is going to explore who Grane is as a person, and I’m excited for it. I want to keep a lot about her vague and up to the reader, but I think she needs to be made a little bit more human for the rest of the story to work. Aptly enough the next part is called “Human.”

So that should work.

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Ramble On, Ramble Forever

March 7, 2016

I’ve taken renewed vigor towards writing. Thanks largely in part to the fountain of support of my friend whom the internet calls SgtLion. Though his efforts have been the most powerful, I can’t understate the support of DB and Laurel. I don’t deserve any of you guys.

I believe I’ve had a breakthrough. Not in the artistic sense, but of the mental sort. I retired to sleep at about 9 PM, and there in bed cuddled up with a stuffed frog like a scared child I dug deep past the immense amount of self-loathing and made a desperate grasp at determination.

And I found it. I got up, got myself an apple and some flavored water (Strawberry Pineapple!) and demanded of myself that I finish the chapter of We Used to Be Someone that I had been been floundering to write, crashing upon it wave after wave to no avail, for months. And now at almost 2 in the morning, 8 new pages and several old ones rewritten, I have succeeded in that goal. At least roughly. I am not sure how proud I am of the results. I am not sure how much of this is even permanent. It is progress though, and I can be proud of it. Pushing yourself to do something is a larger part of the fight then you may expect.

The writing is still missing something. Something I have to dig deep and find. I’m on the path towards that goal again, and that is what matters.

Recently I had come to the realization that at almost 20 pages in I was merely at the waning pages of chapter one of a planned nine. Somehow I thought this would be a short story, comparable to Chime, but it’s already longer and has only just begun.

What I have on my hands here is a book, should I complete it. And if I do it will be my first completed full-sized work of my adult life, even if that was never the plan. I’m swimming through the possibilities of how to handle that. I make no claims to be great, but writing is all I really am. I think I must try to get it published, though there is plenty of time to think about that later. For now I’m focusing on simply writing. I’m going to post the first three chapters all at once as a preview. I think it important they are all consumed together for full effect. Initially I planned to switch off chapters between this and Grane, but now that I’ve realized a chapter of this is the entirety of Grane, and I have completed chapter 2 of We Used to Be Someone, I plan to momentarily switch focus to Grane, and get it out of the way.

“To get it out of the way” seems like a poor way to phrase it, but another way eludes me. I have no plans to phone it in, as it probably has the most potential out of anything I’ve ever done. If only I was talented enough to give it the treatment it deserves.

Anyway, with renewed vigor towards writing comes renewed vigor towards this site. I fancied it up a slight tick for all you imaginary viewers, and added a little status image to keep me accountable. And vain. I plan to keep this front page cleaner. When I post something (shitty lyrical poetry no one wants aside) I want to accompany it with a blog post. I do love to ramble, so ramble I will.

Oh, and I might be working on a Wizard Cat children’s book. So there is that. Only good thing I ever did!

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Tawny Cleans Out Her Camera, A Photoblog About How I Like to Pick Up Wild Animals and Put them In My House

July 25, 2014


In link format because wordpress is a dingus and I don’t want to have 100 images on my front page forever.

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Contact Info and Brief Ramblings about Chime

June 19, 2014
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Since apparently once in a great while people for whatever strange reason want to contact me, which is cool and if any other mystery readers are out there, you should do it, I added my e-mail and Steam account to the About page, which is still called “FAQ and About” even though there hasn’t been a FAQ in there for 30 or 40 years.

I’m currently working on the final draft of Chime, which has been a long time coming. Chime was, for all intents and purposes, complete, but it always felt like it was missing something. I’m going through it again and fixing up a few minor bits and adding a little more detail, but overall the pieces that were already written won’t noticeably change. However, I’m adding a bit more meat to the story, not too much, but enough.

Chime thrives on being open to interpretation, so you won’t see an info dump, or much more context than you already had being added. I don’t plan to ruin the mystery of what was already there, just give it a little more space to work with before it suddenly ends.

Random Trivia: The plot twist of Chime was originally going to be “Chime was a cat all along.” You can see this very clearly in the prologue, but it was scrapped early in Part 1. FUN FACTS FOR KOOL KIDS.

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Mignon and Shere Ramblings: I Hope You Like Walls of Text Edition

April 13, 2014

Mignon and Shere Ramblings: I Hope You Like A Wall of Text Edition

So the MigShere prologue is done, and the prologue is likely all there will ever be, but I still have a strange sense of completion. I guess it is less of a prologue and more of a pilot episode that sets up a potential series that has little chance of existing.

Mignon and Shere isn’t a perfect series. It never was going to be, but I certainly had fun writing most of it. I enjoy its weird transient setting that takes place on earth but maybe not earth during the 80’s but also modern day. The settings is whatever was convenient for me at the time and the genre was whatever I felt like writing and I feel like that sort of playfulness fit the stupidity that is Mignon and Shere really well. I think it was supposed to be an 80’s themed buddy cop thing, but then I wanted to reference Twin Peaks and it became absurd and supernatural. It was never mean to be something grand or thought-provoking, it was just meant to be a whole mess of weirdness and fun, and I think at its best it did what it set out to do.

That isn’t to say it was a perfect series. Upon re-reading it, I notice how wildly varied the quality is from chapter to chapter, from paragraph to paragraph. You can basically follow my mental state’s ups and downs over the last year by reading Mignon and Shere. While that’s definitely a weakness for me as a writer, it somehow fits Mignon and Shere to me. That sounds incredibly pretentious and it pretty much is. This series has always been about me experimenting. Does anyone even remember how it started out as music?

The other cause of wildly varying quality seems to be my ineptness at using Shere a character. She isn’t MY character and that lack of comfort regrettably shines through. The Mignon-centric parts are easily the best parts. I think, like a lot of things, that started to be less and less of a factor as time went on. Shere in this universe is starting to separate herself from the DnD Shere, just as Mignon quickly did. While she is still Lukki’s character I’ve begun weaving bits and pieces of my own ideas into her to make this incarnation feel a little bit more like my own. Lukki has helped immensely in this. I don’t want to screw up his character so when I had ideas for Shere I would ask him “Would Shere do this?” or “Would Shere phrase things like this?” and he would help me work out how to do it in a way that fit for both of us. If Mignon and Shere was a full series I believe I would quickly grow more comfortable using Shere as a character and do a lot more with her. That would be a good thing as she’s an immensely fun character and also easily the most important character in the series. The plans I have for the future might as well see the series named “Shere and Shere: On the Case! Also Mignon Maybe Exists Edition.”

I think the series found itself at the end, despite all the ups and downs. I think there is something there, though it might not be as readily apparently as I want it to be. Upon reading it as a whole people might notice the ridiculous, almost stupid amount of foreshadowing MigShere has. Though it continues to foreshadow events that aren’t even part of the prologue, Mignon’s conversation with that weird group in the red velvet room is chocked full of such items. I think most people would be surprised to know there WAS a vision there at the beginning and it wasn’t purely (just mostly) rattling things off the top of my stupid head. Few people know of all the twist and turns this silly series actually has in it, and I think there is the possibility of it being a good series if a few more kinks were worked out and I was able to write more consistently. And Lukki and I weren’t too lazy to do full page comics.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll see Mignon and Shere: On the Case! Some Kind of Second Case: I Hope You Like Words Edition (MaSOtC!SKoSCIHYLWE) someday. Maybe it will be good. Maybe it will be bad. I can tell you only one thing for sure, and that would be that it is going to be fucking weird.

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Holy Shit I Kind of Sorta Finished (The First Part) of Something I Started?

March 29, 2014

Yeah! Mignon and Shere parts 6 and 7 are up in Short Stories, and that concludes season one of the most retarded series in existence. I may have no idea how police agencies operate, but I know it is not anything like this. I know Shere and (especially) Mignon fucked up fairly often. We also learn in these sections just how awful a person Mignon actually is.

Also some stupid lyrics are up in misc writings, titled “I Will be Here When You Die” for absolutely no real reason that is pertinent to the words contained within.

I’m going to write a huge post about my thoughts on MigShere Words Edition season one soon, but I’ve been TOO productive today so I’ll wait until later.