You’re Software, You’re Not Hardware
I tried to hide out in the sky.
Staring up in the night,
I hoped I’d never be seen,
Among the spaces between,
The light of two distant stars.
Because down here on earth,
I’ve got places to be, and people to please,
And failures to meet.
Adrift in the void, maybe I could avoid,
This hole that lies beneath.
I mostly feel empty, or just plainly wrong.
There is no way to change the words to this song.
You can’t escape a black hole even if it’s wrapped in a bow.
I’m only an echo, the fading scraps of a soul.
The color of the sky reflecting off these hollow eyes,
is darker than the room in which we’ve bolted closed the doors,
blacked out the windows and shut off all the lights.
It doesn’t matter how much you knock.
It doesn’t matter how much you plead.
You can never reach me in time,
I’m drowning in the light.