Or I’ll Just Suck

July 24, 2016

It isn’t like no progress has been made, but I’m unable to get myself out of bed most days. When I do write its just futzing with the same pages over and again. I can’t get things to where I like them and I’m slowly losing the will to continue bothering with anything. I suppose that’s what separates amateurs like me from the pros. Maybe I’ll eventually get it right, WHO KNOWS. I just know my desire to complete this bit of We Used to Be Someone may have very well ruined Grain by taking away my momentum. Hope not, but I’m determined to learn to stick with one project so I’ll keep beating myself in the face with it until it goddamn works or I die.

Happy Post.

(Also I wrote a bunch of shitty poems which isn’t worth mentioning but at least I can feel like I’ve done something.)
