Ramble On, Ramble Forever

March 7, 2016

I’ve taken renewed vigor towards writing. Thanks largely in part to the fountain of support of my friend whom the internet calls SgtLion. Though his efforts have been the most powerful, I can’t understate the support of DB and Laurel. I don’t deserve any of you guys.

I believe I’ve had a breakthrough. Not in the artistic sense, but of the mental sort. I retired to sleep at about 9 PM, and there in bed cuddled up with a stuffed frog like a scared child I dug deep past the immense amount of self-loathing and made a desperate grasp at determination.

And I found it. I got up, got myself an apple and some flavored water (Strawberry Pineapple!) and demanded of myself that I finish the chapter of We Used to Be Someone that I had been been floundering to write, crashing upon it wave after wave to no avail, for months. And now at almost 2 in the morning, 8 new pages and several old ones rewritten, I have succeeded in that goal. At least roughly. I am not sure how proud I am of the results. I am not sure how much of this is even permanent. It is progress though, and I can be proud of it. Pushing yourself to do something is a larger part of the fight then you may expect.

The writing is still missing something. Something I have to dig deep and find. I’m on the path towards that goal again, and that is what matters.

Recently I had come to the realization that at almost 20 pages in I was merely at the waning pages of chapter one of a planned nine. Somehow I thought this would be a short story, comparable to Chime, but it’s already longer and has only just begun.

What I have on my hands here is a book, should I complete it. And if I do it will be my first completed full-sized work of my adult life, even if that was never the plan. I’m swimming through the possibilities of how to handle that. I make no claims to be great, but writing is all I really am. I think I must try to get it published, though there is plenty of time to think about that later. For now I’m focusing on simply writing. I’m going to post the first three chapters all at once as a preview. I think it important they are all consumed together for full effect. Initially I planned to switch off chapters between this and Grane, but now that I’ve realized a chapter of this is the entirety of Grane, and I have completed chapter 2 of We Used to Be Someone, I plan to momentarily switch focus to Grane, and get it out of the way.

“To get it out of the way” seems like a poor way to phrase it, but another way eludes me. I have no plans to phone it in, as it probably has the most potential out of anything I’ve ever done. If only I was talented enough to give it the treatment it deserves.

Anyway, with renewed vigor towards writing comes renewed vigor towards this site. I fancied it up a slight tick for all you imaginary viewers, and added a little status image to keep me accountable. And vain. I plan to keep this front page cleaner. When I post something (shitty lyrical poetry no one wants aside) I want to accompany it with a blog post. I do love to ramble, so ramble I will.

Oh, and I might be working on a Wizard Cat children’s book. So there is that. Only good thing I ever did!
