Mignon’s Journal – Entry Eight
Entry Eight: Spring – Year 847 of the 4th Age.
So my god thinks I’m a failure, but my Guild-master sees this situation as an opportunity. I’m not exactly sure what he and Lord Kuroth have planned, but I just need to locate Kas and I’ll get aid from Kuroth’s Champion. I can’t pass that opportunity by! Even so, not all is going to be so easy. Ms. Ashal is up to something, be it also vying for divinity or not, but I don’t see things working out neatly for us both. The lack of geas on the party means everyone will be going after their own goals. Ms. Shere and Ms. Fossilu likely want to just kill him, while who knows what Tulock or Sir Ragna plan to do. I think Ms. Fossilu mentioned some others joining us, more people means more unknown motives. Things are going to get interesting. Still, I’ll have Ms. Champion on my side, she’ll be able to do what she needs to do, all I can do is help her as best I can and hope to come out alive, or at least redeemed. Even so, it is still most uncomfortable to have my allies be more like potential enemies who I just happen to be working with for the moment.
We may or may not have located Kas who is now in a cocoon. We still need to make some poison though, which requires a living spell, dragon’s blood and a sacrifice of a pure soul. We have the living spell and killing a dragon really isn’t that hard. Sacrificing a pure soul is best done by using a baby. I personally could do no such thing. I guess Tulock can do it. His lack of morals comes in handy at times. So making this poison shouldn’t take long and we’ve probably already located Kas. It should not be long before I get to meet Ms. Champion again. What should I say? I’m so nervous!
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