Persephone’s Creepy Ass Diary: Entry Two
Entry 2:
I have obtained a seemingly fully sentient and free willed undead. She calls herself May, and I do believe the two of us will make fast friends. What an amazing specimen she is. How I would love to cut her fetid flesh open and see the magic inside for myself. Is the brain still alive? How long will mort flesh last before it rots off and leaves behind an animate skeleton? Perhaps the magic holding undead together has some sort of preservative quality. Experiments could lead me to the secret of immortality. Alas, she is a prized specimen and I will not waste her life in a dissection. I will just observe for now and see if she is worth as much as I believe.
May, and an entire illusion city of undead, was under the control of a bumbling necromancer whose name I choose not to remember. At least this is his story, but the man can barely cast an orison, let alone such marvels as the illusions we saw. I do believe there is more at work here than we first thought. It is simply too dangerous to dig deeper for the time being. It kills me to walk away from such potential knowledge, but self-preservation must take precedence. I am simply too valuable for the world to lose. I will return one day, when my power has increased.
My group is getting larger, and this does bother me so. I am not ashamed of the things I have done, but few understand the importance of my work. I do not like the conversations that will inevitably arise. I do not like the looks of disgust that I will inevitably receive. I will soldier through them for the sake of my research, but I am only human. It does hurt me on some level. No matter how detached, it is human instinct to yearn for acceptance. Perhaps one day I’ll learn where this trait is kept in the brain and be able to remove it.
A man named Brooke has joined our happy cadre. Despite being soaked by a river he doesn’t remember, he seems to be more stable than Irena and Rena, which is a welcome relief. I haven’t known him long enough to form much of an opinion. He’s quiet, so I think we’ll get along swimmingly for the time being, despite him being much less delectable than the girls. More on him later.
Days arrive, and days pass. People come and go as life fades from their eyes. Even the earth beneath our feet slowly erodes from the smallest cold drip of water. I, however, shall be eternal. Yes, eternal. That word tastes just delightful on my lips…
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