Shai-Hsien’s Journal: Entry Twelve
Entry Twelve:
Too much depressing stuff has been going on. Gray and gray morality everywhere. I’ve been making decisions left and right, and I can’t if they are the right ones, (as opposed to the wrong ones, not the left ones) and that can’t be good. I really wish I could talk to my mother. She could help me sort out my thoughts. I do miss her dearly. So much so, I think I’ll write her a letter she’ll never receive again.
Dear Ssasha-Hsien:
It’s me again! I miss you! Things have taken a turn for the worst. I’m trying to save our people, I’m trying to save you, but I’m doing some less than moral things. I don’t know if you would be proud, mother. If you saw me now you might not like what you see, and that is what kills me inside. I always wonder what you would do in my situation. You would probably find the courage to do what was right and still succeed in your quests, but as much as I want to be, I’m not you. I’m not as amazing as you.
In happier-ish news, I’ve obtained three sisters! I didn’t know that was a thing that could happen, but they liked to call me sister, so I guess we are! I didn’t get to be around them much, but we Lamia have to stick together, yeah? Once this is all said and done, maybe I’ll get them to come visit Ssassh’aatthhhss.
I’m always striving to be like you. Striving to make you proud. I know I’ve always been a bumbling screw up, but one day I’ll be as lovely, talented and strong as you! Just you watch!
Love your daughter:
Pirate-Songstress Shai-Hsien
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