March 29, 2014
Yeah! Mignon and Shere parts 6 and 7 are up in Short Stories, and that concludes season one of the most retarded series in existence. I may have no idea how police agencies operate, but I know it is not anything like this. I know Shere and (especially) Mignon fucked up fairly often. We also […]
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News by Tawny
March 29, 2014
Chapter 9: As the Locusts Swallow the Sun “What a hapless sucker, don’t you think so, Brother?” The smaller Hammond brother that Mignon had previously shot in the face said with a grin to his previously masked brother. “I’m going to punt you out this window!” Mignon yelled in anger as she struggled in vain […]
March 29, 2014
Chapter 8: Deep Fried Danger The door to the theater burst open with a loud crash as Shere and her off-the-books partner burst inside, rifles at the ready. Light quickly permeated the darkness and flooded the entryway. “Oh man, this is so cool!” Tulock yelled out with an ear to ear grin as he pressed […]