Shai-Hsien’s Journal: Entry Five
Entry 5:
A lot has happened since I last bothered to write actual journal stuff in this journal, I won’t bother to go into detail about any of them. All important things are noted in my mind and will be released onto these (or other) pages when these event have taken their course. That is assuming we make something of ourselves and win. No one wants to hear a song about losers, even if they were on the side of good. Time will pass and history will remember the side that won. The side that won will be remembered as in the right. If we lose I have no story, I have no songs to sing. I guess I’m staking a lot on this war. Oh! Look at me going on about such selfish reasons. Most are fighting for a better future for their friends and family and people in general. I’m just fighting so I can be close to a story. I feel just awful. No helping it I guess. Motivated to do right by the wrong reasons is still doing right. I can take solace in that. Or can I? Is a mass-murderer who happens to kill someone very evil a hero? I know it’s not fair to compare myself to a murder, but it’s an interesting thing to ponder. Maybe I’ll make a song about someone who isn’t quite a hero but not quite a villain. The deconstruction of the do-gooder paladin. A vigilante who gets things done, but does things in a way many wouldn’t approve of. Ah, I don’t need any more ideas weighing my mind-body down. I’m over-encumbered as it is.
Pirate Songstress Shai-Hsien’s official list of things to do:
1: Continue to be of the living. (As of this writing, still alive.)
2: Make the next Irix the Brave.
3: Grow two more arms.
4: Write a new epic song. (Working on it.)
5: Learn Draconic to go along with my new harp.
Completed Things:
1: Learn a pretty sounding new language.
2: Think of a cute name for a Wyvern. (Emily?)
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